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too simple too naive是什么意思?

来源: 英语作文网栏目: 常用英语词典

 too simple too naive 太单纯太天真

The translation of "too simple too naive" can be expressed in a variety of ways, depending on the context and context. “too simple too naive”的翻译可以有多种表达方式,具体取决于上下文和语境。 Generally speaking, this statement can be interpreted as an evaluation of someone or something, suggesting oversimplification and naivete. 一般来说,这句话可以被理解为对某人或某事的评价,表明其过于简单和天真。

Common translation methods include:


1. It's too simple and childish

 1. 太过简单幼稚

2. Being naive

 2. 过于朴素天真

3. It's too naive

 3. 太过单纯幼稚

4. Being shallow and naive

 4. 过于浅薄天真

5. You believe too easily 5. 太过轻易相信


